Saturday, 22 November 2014

Public Consultation on Possible Sites for 20 New Homes in Westerleigh Village

Documents for the Public Consultation

  1. Summary of the process so far and analysis of various sites around the village for their impact on the Green Belt.
  2. Detailed map showing the sites considered in document 1.
  3. Map showing the two proposed (by SGC) sites and the area of the village to be taken out of the Green Belt.
  4. Map showing 'constraints' (not identified) around the village including the village settlement boundary and the location of listed buildings.
  5. List of the submissions made after the Summer consultation and the basis of the current consultation.
  6. Document from SGC summarising the current consultation and all of the documents for the consultation (key documents are listed above).
  7. Response form to be used to make comments on the current consultation. Deadline for responses is 13th January 2015.


SGC are proposing two sites adjacent to, but outside, the existing village boundary which could be used to provide the 20 houses to meet the requirement identified by the Parish Council. Their proposal includes taking a part of the village out of the Green Belt (and the protection that the Green Belt provides); including the proposed sites.


January 5th

Meeting of Westerleigh Parish Council, 7.15pm, The Manor Hall, Coalpit Heath. There is an opportunity on the agenda to raise questions about the proposal.

A summary of the main points raised by parishioners can be found here

A list of the residential planning applications and their reasons for refusal, made for the two proposed sites can be found here.

January 13th 

The closing date for comments to South Glocs Council in response to the consultation. Comments may be submitted on this form, which contains instructions for returning the form.

February 2nd

Meeting of Westerleigh Parish Council 7.15pm, Village Hall, Westerleigh. To consider the feedback from the public consultation and to decide about continuing the process based on the recommendations from SGC (see summary above).


Thursday, 6 November 2014

Westerleigh Calendar 2015

This years calendar is ready
A preview can be downloaded by clicking here

Order your copy from Alison Howard on 01454 312195 or email

£7.00 each -- A4 size
Proceeds will be divided between Westerleigh Cricket Club and Bristol greyhound rescue. 

Order by Nov 24th for Christmas

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Reminder -- Murder Mystery evening 4th Oct

Only 15 tickets available, get yours now

Tickets from Des Gray 325178

Death at the Daffodil

Invitation to a Charity Gala
With singer Luigi Puffalotti and
violinist Ivor Stradivarius

Saturday October 4th, 7:00pm start
In the Village Hall
Mr. Vinny Valentino invites you to his Charity Gala

See if you can work out who dunnit
Presented by The Red Herrings

£10 a ticket, includes hot supper and pudding
Tickets from Des Gray 325178

Monday, 1 September 2014


Thursday, 6.30-7.30pm. STARTS 18th SEPTEMBER 2014 
Just Jhoom! (meaning ‘just dance’) is a new Bollywood-stye dance class that is fun and energising, with yoga-inspired stretches and cool down – and Carol’s is the very first class to come to Bristol and surrounds.

Saturday, 9.30-10.30am. STARTS 6th SEPTEMBER 2014
FiTMiX class is a low-impact aerobic dance-fitness class with a mix of easy-to-learn moves and music, including Salsa, Jazz, Pop, Disco, Bollywood and tracks from the 80s/70s/60s. There’s also a core conditioning section with gentle, dynamic stretching to finish.  

Created and run by Carol Ramsey, a fully qualified and experienced instructor and personal trainer, FabFiT classes are designed for all ages and abilities – and beginners are very welcome.There’s a special FabFiT 2 for 1 offer, if you want to bring a friend to your first class. Numbers are limited but you can book in advance by calling Carol on 07768 732111. Please wear trainers and comfy clothing, and bring bottled water.
See Carol's flyer for more information.