Thursday 24 November 2016

Village newsletter

The December 2016 edition is available.  See the "Village Newsletters" folder, left.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Blackberry Park housing development

The previous application for 330 homes to be built on the Woodlands Farm site at Coalpit Heath was refused by South Glos Council in 2013.
Barrett Homes has revised its proposal (now to build up to 215 homes), and a public exhibition of this will be held at Manor Hall, Coalpit Heath, on 7 November from 3.30 to 8.30 pm.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

2nd Library Consultation

South Glos Council has modified its proposal for the local libraries.

See what the changes are, and how to have your say, here.

There is also a public meeting at Yate Library at 7 pm on 1 November, and one at the Greenfield Centre, Park Avenue, Winterbourne, BS36 1NJ at 7.30 pm on 8 November.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Murder Mystery evening

Come to the Bletchley Park Bridge Tournament, on 1st October, where a murder is guaranteed to happen.

See the the news page for details.

September newsletter

The September version of the Newsletter is available, with a Queen's Birthday Celebration insert. See the "Village Newsletters" folder, left.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Says Court Open Day

Avon Wildlife trust has arranged an Open Day (30 August) for families to visit and picnic in the wildflower meadow that they have created there.

The details are given on the poster here.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Big Friendly Read

Would your children like the Summer reading Challenge? Free access to books with fun, creative activities in the library during the summer holidays.


Tuesday 12 July 2016

Police Beat Team walking Beat Surgery round Westerleigh

The details of this visit, on 24 July, are on the poster (click here).

Found: snazzy man's watch

This was found on the playing fields this morning. If you think it's yours, please contact Bob Taylor on 01454 312897 /

Friday 3 June 2016

Village newsletter

The June 2016 newsletter is out. See the "Village Newsletters" tab on the left.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Cricket fixtures

Westerleigh Cricket Club fixtures for 2016 are now available. See them here.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Closure of Nibley Lane

Nibley Lane will be closed for 5 days from 29 March for cleaning.
See SG Council notice here.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Police beat surgery

Immobilise is a property registering database that can be accessed through the website.  Avon & Somerset Police uses the data stored on the site when dealing with lost or property that is suspected to be stolen.  Every year the police recover property that has either been found or in possession of people unlawfully.  Unfortunately, all too often the police have no choice but to return the property to a person who is suspected to be in possession unlawfully because we are unable to identify the lawful owner.  Immobilise helps the police to return lost/stolen property to its rightful owners, and where the property has been stolen assists the police in prosecuting offenders.

PCSO Beth Harrington has a beat surgery  on 14/01/2016 at 12.30 hours in The Brockeridge Centre, Frampton Cotterell, where she will promote Immobilise.