Wednesday 7 December 2022

Carols around the tree

 St James church is organising the usual "Carols around the tree" on the village green, at 6.30 pm on 19 December.

We are invited to meet for festive refreshments in the New Inn afterwards.

Friday 18 November 2022

Village Christmas tree

 The tree will be erected and decorated from 10 am on Saturday 3 December.

If you want to help, please join us at the village green.

Wednesday 7 September 2022



Murder Mystery Evening

Book Now

The Red Herrings present

The Perilous Phlogisticon

Saturday 1st October at 7.00pm

in the Village Hall

A Murder Mystery evening with a ploughman’s and pudding
Prize for the best solution to the murder

Tickets: £15 on the door or £12 paid in advance
children half price. Bring your own drinks

This is a popular event and sells out quickly.
Reserve a place now by calling Robert on 311859 

Friday 22 July 2022


Westerleigh W.I. Jumble Sale

Saturday 23rd July. 12-2pm. 

Admission 10p. in the Village Hall.

Tea and coffee and squash on sale.
If you have good quality donations please bring to the Village Hall from 10am - 11am
This gives us time to sort and organise it. NO BOOKS PLEASE. Thank You.

Thursday 31 March 2022

Funday and picnic - Saturday 4 June from 12 noon

 Westerleigh Village Jubilee celebrations - on the village playing fields.


Bouncy castle, face painting, mini steam train

Fun and games for all:
mini football, welly wanging, and more.

Old-fashioned races for kids, and parents.

Teas in the Village Hall.

Animal rehab clinic, My Hart dog-training, Rosie Gosling Cards, Trax Performance, The Wool Cellar, Mustard Cuts, Westerleigh Flowers, Missing Link Housing.

All proceeds to South West Air Ambulance


Tuesday 8 March 2022

Cheese and wine evening - 22 April at 7.00 pm

Come along to the Village Hall for an evening of cheese tasting with a selection of wines, and other snacks. The price is £10 per ticket, and these are available from Alison and Steve Howard (01454 312195).

We will taste 6 wines (3 red and 3 white) with appropriate cheeses. One wine will be a mystery, a prize for whoever gets closest to identifying it.

There will a quiz in the middle and an auction at the end

If people like beer or soft drinks, they are welcome to bring them along.

Friday 11 February 2022

South Glos Council Local Plan

The New Local Plan: Phase 2 – Urban, Rural and Key Issues, is out for consultation for six weeks, from 7 February to 21 March 2022.

It is primarily asking you for your views on where growth, change and protection might take place, although specific numbers of homes are not mentioned. This is because the HMG numbers are being recalculated, and the WECA "Spatial Development Strategy" is not being consulted upon until later this spring.

Urban Growth is proposed for the North and East Fringes of Bristol, and the market towns of Yate, Chipping Sodbury and Thornbury.

The "Creating Sustainable Rural Villages and Settlements" section currently suggests that Westerleigh is not on the "initial list of villages and settlements to investigate for growth".

The plan is available at this web address:


The SGC Plan also says: "As a principle, we are keen to provide opportunities for local communities who want to bring forward growth to meet specific, identified local aims, aspirations and needs."

Westerleigh Parish Council has agreed to perform a "Housing Needs Survey" in the Westerleigh Ward of the Parish (ie not Coalpit Heath), to establish what numbers and type of housing (if any) residents want. This will be supported by SGC, and will take place later this year.


Thursday 20 January 2022

Overnight road closure

 SGC has published a Temporary Prohibition Order closing Westerleigh Road under the railway bridge.

This will be operative from 28 February probably for 5 days.

The closure will be implemented only when signs are in position. This will probably be from 8 pm to 6 am each night.

The purpose is the erection of "low bridge" signs and markings on or adjecent to the highway.