Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Neighbourhood Watch

Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held in Ye Olde Inne at 7:30pm on Tuesday 14th January

The meeting will consider a proposal to adopt a constitution.
Copies of the proposed constitution can be found on the village web site ( - Neighbourhood Watchpage) or the village notice board near the war memorial. The constitution is required so we can obtain funding from organisations to support projects and events in the village.


Thursday, 3 October 2019

Murder Mystery Evening

Murder Mystery Evening

The Red Herrings present
The Pirate and the Parrot
Saturday 19th October at 7.00pm
in the Village Hall

A Murder Mystery evening with a two course meal
Prize for the best solution
Tickets: £15 on the door or £13 paid in advance
children half price. Bring your own drinks 
This is a popular event and sells out quickly. 
Reserve a place now by calling Robert on 311859


Ye Olde Inne to re-open in October

Hello Westerleigh Village!

The time is almost here - Ye Olde Inne is on track to re-open mid-October. In the lead up we are recruiting for a Chef, Kitchen Porter and casual bar staff. 

We are offering competitive salaries, a friendly new team, and rewards for hard work!
Please email your CV, cover letter and references to

Regards from Rachael and the new team.