Friday, 11 February 2022

South Glos Council Local Plan

The New Local Plan: Phase 2 – Urban, Rural and Key Issues, is out for consultation for six weeks, from 7 February to 21 March 2022.

It is primarily asking you for your views on where growth, change and protection might take place, although specific numbers of homes are not mentioned. This is because the HMG numbers are being recalculated, and the WECA "Spatial Development Strategy" is not being consulted upon until later this spring.

Urban Growth is proposed for the North and East Fringes of Bristol, and the market towns of Yate, Chipping Sodbury and Thornbury.

The "Creating Sustainable Rural Villages and Settlements" section currently suggests that Westerleigh is not on the "initial list of villages and settlements to investigate for growth".

The plan is available at this web address:


The SGC Plan also says: "As a principle, we are keen to provide opportunities for local communities who want to bring forward growth to meet specific, identified local aims, aspirations and needs."

Westerleigh Parish Council has agreed to perform a "Housing Needs Survey" in the Westerleigh Ward of the Parish (ie not Coalpit Heath), to establish what numbers and type of housing (if any) residents want. This will be supported by SGC, and will take place later this year.