Minutes and other items from the Neighbourhood Watch are kept here.
The list is in date order with the latest at the top.
Minutes for the meeting of the 9th November 2021
Minutes for the meeting of the 12th October 2021
Minutes for the meeting of the 14th September 2021
Minutes for the meeting of the 10th August 2021
Minutes for the meeting of the 11th May 2021
Minutes for the meeting of the 13th April 2021
Minutes for the meeting of the 9th March 2021
Minutes for the meeting of the 9th February 2021
Minutes for the meeting of the 12th January 2021
Minutes for the AGM on the 12th January 2021
Minutes for the meeting of the 10th December 2020
Minutes for the meeting of the 10th November 2020
Minutes for the meeting of the 10th October 2020
Minutes for the meeting of the 10th September 2020
Minutes for the meeting of the 10th August 2020
Minutes for the meeting of the 10th July 2020
Minutes for the meeting of the 10th June 2020
Minutes for the meeting of the 10th March 2020
Minutes for the meeting on the 11th February 2020
Minutes for the meeting on the 14th January 2020
Minutes for the AGM on the 14th January 2020
Minutes for the meeting on the 10th December 2019
Minutes for the meeting on the 12th November 2019
Minutes for the meeting on the 8th October 2019
Minutes for the meeting on the 10th September 2019
Minutes for the meeting on the 13th August 2019
Minutes for the meeting on the 9th July 2019
Minutes for the meeting on the 11th June 2019
Minutes for the meeting on the 14th May 2019
Minutes for the meeting on the 9th April 2019
Minutes for the meeting on the 12th March 2019
Minutes for the AGM on the 5th March 2019
Minutes for the meeting on the 12th February 2019
Minutes for the meeting on the 8th January 2019
Minutes for the meeting on the 11th December 2018
Minutes for the meeting on the 13th November 2018
Minutes for the meeting on the 9th October 2018
Minutes for the meeting on the 11th September 2018
Minutes for the meeting on the 13th August 2018
Minutes for the meeting on the 10th July 2018
Minutes for the meeting on the 12th June 2018
Minutes for the meeting on the 8th May 2018
Minutes for the meeting on the 10th April 2018
Minutes for the meeting on the 13th March 2018
Minutes for the AGM & meeting on the 13th February 2018
Minutes for the meeting on the 9th January 2018
Minutes for the meeting on the 14th November 2017
Minutes for the meeting on the 10th October 2017
Minutes for the meeting on the 12th September 2017
Minutes for the meeting on the 8th August 2017
Minutes for the meeting on the 13th June 2017
Minutes for the meeting on the 9th May 2017
Minutes for the meeting on the 11th April 2017
Minutes for the meeting on the 14th March 2017
Minutes for the AGM on the 28th February 2017
Minutes for the meeting on 14th February 2017
Minutes for the meeting on 10th January 2017
Minutes for the meeting on 13th December 2016
Minutes for the meeting on 11th October 2016
Minutes for the meeting on 13th September 2016
Minutes for the meeting on 9th August 2016
Minutes for the meeting on 13th July 2016
Minutes for the meeting on 7th June 2016
Minutes for the meeting on 10th May 2016
Minutes for the meeting on 12th April 2016
Minutes for the meeting on 8th March 2016
Minutes for the AGM & monthly meeting on 9th February 2016
AGM Chairman's report AGM Accounts statement
Minutes for the meeting on 12th January 2016
Minutes for the meeting on 10th November 2015
Minutes for the meeting on 7th October 2015
Minutes for the meeting on 8th September 2015
No meeting in August
Minutes for the meeting on 14th July 2015
Minutes for the meeting on 9th June 2015
Minutes of the meeting on 12th May
Minutes for the meeting on 14th April
Meeting on March 10th cancelled
Minutes for the meeting on 10th February 2015
Minutes for the meeting on 13th January 2015
Minutes for the meeting on 9th December 2014
Minutes for the meeting on 11th November 2014
Minutes for the meeting on 14th October 2014
Minutes for the meeting on 9th September 2014
Annual accounts for the year to August 2014
Minutes for the meeting on 8th July 2014
Minutes for the meeting on 10th June 2014
Minutes for the meeting on 13th May 2014
Minutes for the meeting on 8th April 2014
Minutes for the meeting on 11th March 2014